Gary Goodridge

Damn good but not great, fi rst runner up always gets a line in the almanac but fades quickly from public memory. Don’t believe me? Quick, who lost Super Bowl XXXII? Name the fi ve teams the Chicago Bulls trounced en route to their…

Fight! Across America

As I arrived in Kansas City, I was greeted by Travis Crall, founder of the Elite Fight League. The trio masterminding the EFL consists of Travis Crall, Bryan Stevenson, and Shawn Ricks. They all bring distinct aspects to their equation for…

Glazer Weighs In

One thing I’ve come to realize in covering sports for the last decade and a half: fans love dominance. We love dynasties. We love Tiger Woods for it. Used to love Tyson for it. Domination makes us talk, shows us all how to rise up to…

Bubba Uncensored

ROUNDEST OF THE ROUND In mixed martial arts, you always hear analysts speak about fi ghters being well rounded. Taking a close look, there are just a few top-level fi ghters that really fi t the well rounded bill. Obviously, number one…

Fight! Girl Search

Jaimie Hilfi ger Age: 21 Height: 5’3” Hometown: New Windsor, NY Favorite Fighter: Urijah Faber Relationship Status: Taken Hey Jaimie, how are things? Anything new going on in your life? Doing well, thanks! I graduated with…

Drew McFedries: Standing Strong

UFC light heavyweight fighter Drew McFedries has spent a lifetime standing tall against forces that have the potential to drop anyone to their knees. From becoming an adult much too soon, to living with Chron’s disease and battling a…

Big Changes in the IFL

In the International Fight League, something had to change. After spending two seasons attempting to distinguish itself from the competition with a team-based format, colorful mascots, and legendary coaches, the league’s new CEO, Jay…

Back Pain in MMA

Back pain affects nearly 80 percent of the population and can severely interfere with your ability to train and compete if you are an MMA athlete. Contrary to what most people believe, the most common cause of back pain is not poor lifting…

"Lights, Camera, FIGHT!"

The way things are going, it seems like its only a matter of time before mixed martial arts overtakes boxing as our society’s favorite form of legalized brutality. But despite skyrocketing ratings, there’s one area where the…