Editor's Letter July 2013

It was only a few years ago that a spinning wheelkick in MMA was considered the stuff of martial arts fantasy. After all, boxing, muay thai, wrestling and jiu-jitsu had long given the flashier arts a wakeup call on combat effectiveness.…

Anthony Pettis – The Human Highlight Reel

It requires a ballistics team to track Anthony Pettis while he's getting his kicks—and now (at long last) he's aiming for UFC titleholders. The Soka Gakkai International Buddhist Center wouldn’t seem to fit neatly in America’s Dairyland,…

Power 20 – The Biggest Players in MMA

It’s time for the annual FIGHT! Magazine Power 20, where we rank the top movers, shakers, and moneymakers in the MMA world. These 20 people make real things happen—running organizations, booking fights, closing large deals, opening new…

Into the African Sands – Wrestling in Chad

FIGHT! Magazine’s nomadic journalist T.R. Foley follows his passion for wrestling to the center of Africa and into the sand pits of Chad. Photography By T.R. Foley On February 12, 2013, the executive board of the International Olympic…

They Said That – Verbal Jambalaya

Good Night Sweet Prince “It’s been a good eight years, I guess. The biggest thing I learned is when Dana White says retire, you should retire.” — Forrest Griffin at the post-UFC 160 press conference Straight Shooter “Never have I thought,…

5 Minutes With Brian Stann

Photo by Nick Palmisciano Between fighting and on-camera work for Fuel TV and Fox, how have you been handling your busy schedule? It’s difficult for sure. On top of everything I have going, my third baby will be arriving in October, and I…