Ready 2 Rumble – Brittney Palmer

The WEC may have been absorbed by the UFC, but the fighters aren’t the only ones that have made the move to the big stage. Former WEC Ring girl, Brittney Palmer, is re-fueled and ready for prime time MMA.


What’s going on in Brittney Palmer’s world lately?


Coming into the UFC now, my life is so much more exciting and eventful. Right when I think I have a day to splurge and eat, a week later I have a new fight, so that’s always good.


How emotional was the last WEC? You grew up with the organization. Was it like watching an amazing movie with a sad ending?


It was good. It was like watching an amazing new movie start.


Is there a difference for you?


The arenas are 10 times more sold out, and I get to work with Arianny and Chandella. I was by myself for a while. I’m not gonna lie, you get kinda lonely. You want your little girlfriends there to gossip with and be friends with. Now, I have two friends. It’s great.


So, are you the little sister of the group?


I’m the little sister. We all have names. “Sassy Bunny” is Chandella, “Angel Bunny” is Arianny, and I’m the baby bunny—the “Lil’ Bunny” because I’m the youngest one.


Who has the best haircut in MMA?


Urijah Faber of course.


I had a Urijah Faber question in here. Faber said in an interview with Raw Vegas TV that he’d support a Brittney Palmer for Playboy campaign. Is it up to a vote?


I would do it. I’m not gonna lie. I wouldn’t turn that opportunity down. It wouldn’t need a vote. I’d be up for it for sure.


I saw you posted artwork of Jimi Hendrix and Mick Jagger that you painted. Is music your direct inspiration for painting or is there more to it?


I think it is…I grew up here in Vegas…I really feel like music bonds me and my family—the family that I do have. It’s helped me for so long. There is a lot of time and dedication put into painting. I have a little setup in my garage. I love bold, powerful artwork. It’s just like poetry, but you can feel it in your heart. Right now, I’m doing these huge murals. Whatever pictures you saw of Jimi Hendrix and Mick Jagger, I have some of Bob Marley. I just did one last night of Tupac Shakur. It’s a stencil art. I’m making them huge, five to six feet tall.


Dana White was recently seen at a club with Snoop Dogg singing. Maybe you can paint that for him.


Absolutely, Dana is the first one to get a painting.


I bet the boys were happy to see you at UFC: Fight for the Troops 2.


Oh my gosh, it was so amazing. Everybody was so nice. The venue, we were in an airport hangar, and they had the big door open and all the helicopters and planes…all the fighters were sitting on top of it watching the fight and it was lit up in green. It was cool.


Did you provide any traditional USO girl entertainment? You know, waving and dance numbers.


No, but I will say that I was the first one to jump my little butt onto that tank. I said, “I am getting in—it doesn’t matter.” And then they boosted me up, and I looked at the other girls, Arianny and Chandella, and we got them to come up and play around a bit.


Which do you prefer, the camo outfit or regular outfit?


I prefer the red because that’s the UFC outfit, but the camo outfit was fun, it was different. We never get to change it up, so it was cool, it was a good little change.


Are you gonna miss the WEC blue?


Of course I’m gonna miss the blue. I love the blue…but I was able to snag one.


Are you gonna frame it and put it on your wall?


I don’t know. This is the weird thing, I feel like I’ve been doing that lately. I framed my UFC pictures and now that I have them framed, I feel like such a donkey! Pictures of myself. I don’t really wanna hang it up. It feels so narcissistic. I don’t know, I’ll think about it.


What’s on your Apple TV?


I have Jimi Hendrix. The Beatles—an entire documentary from The Beatles.


Is it important for you to connect with fans through your social media?


It’s very important. To me, I think it’s more interesting if they see something cool that I think is cool, something that I listen to that people can listen to and broaden their horizons.


@Phildo8 asks who your favorite fighter is.


I would have to say Jose Aldo, just because he came from the WEC. He’s a good guy. He kicks ass.


When Anthony Pettis landed that kick, did you see any wings?


I definitely did. It was like Angels in the Outfield…that was really cool. It was legendary.


Better kick: Anthony Pettis or Anderson Silva?


Silva. Anthony Pettis didn’t knock him out with that kick, Silva did.


What song do you karaoke?


“(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party)” by the Beastie Boys because you don’t have to sing, and I’m a horrible singer.


How can fans party with you?


Keep checking out my website: If my paintings get kicked off, I’ll have some samples for everyone to see.

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