Matt Mitrione's Ultimate Fighter Blog: I'm Over the Show


After each week’s episode, TUF 10 cast member Matt Mitrione shares his thoughts about what happened on and off camera.

I said during the show that I just wanted to go home. Now I’m ready for the show to be over. I appreciate the exposure and opportunities I’ve gotten but after every single episode I have to explain stuff.

I don’t understand why they passed over so many things that went on in the house and just showed me. They didn’t show Wessel getting hammered and flipping the pool table, all the show is me. Even when I had a concussion and slept for a couple of days, they backtrack and show stuff from when I walked in after the fight.

I’m completely, 100% over the show. I literally haven’t watched the show since I fought. Even at my viewing parties I don’t watch it. My wife watches it and tells me about it.

This week the drama was about whether or not the doctors would clear me or if I even wanted to fight if they did. I don’t understand what the problem was with them wanting me to decide right then whether or not I was going to fight. The doctor said he’d make a decision on Saturday at 5 p.m. It’s Friday. Leave me alone. Even if my deadline was Friday, leave me alone. But you can’t get away from it, they swarm you.

Dana came to the gym and gave us that speech – it felt like it was mostly directed at me but it’s cool. I view the show and the UFC as completely separate entities. Dana and I are cool. I enjoy him. He tells you what he believes and I respect that.

Next week we’ll find out who’s moving on to The Ultimate Fighter Finale and I can stop worrying about the show.

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